Why can big celebrities openly admit to taking illegal drugs, and have little to no action taken against them?


Johnny Depp’s recent trial comes to mind – he openly admitted to doing cocaine but as far as I’m aware no action was taken

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84 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well obviously Depp is American, but for the UK, it depends.

The UK has some laws which means it illegal to even use opium, be in a location opium is smoked, or have any utensil that is prepared for opium:


Another interesting one is that if you provide someone with a way of administering a drug, it’s illegal:


Interestingly it mentions that it’s illegal to administer an illegal drug, although it has to be in your possession.

So, you could admit to have either smoked opium, been in an opium den, possessed an illegal drug and/or taken said drug, then be charged (notice I say charged, not convicted – this will then go onto a trial).

However, realistically this will only happen if you’re already being investigated for something else, as an add on charge. Or if you go and write a confession letter asking to be arrested by the police. Resources are finite.

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