Why can big celebrities openly admit to taking illegal drugs, and have little to no action taken against them?


Johnny Depp’s recent trial comes to mind – he openly admitted to doing cocaine but as far as I’m aware no action was taken

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84 Answers

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Let’s say you get angry and you say to someone, ‘I’ll kill you!’ like in those scenes on Saturday morning cartoons.

The law suggests that despite killing being a crime, and even attempting to kill someone with premeditation can be a crime. As long as you don’t actually try to kill someone you’re fine.

Likewise, I can say, I did cocaine in college. And y’know what. The cops can check my pee, and swab my cheek, and they’d never find it on me nor my person, and I don’t do cocaine. So what would they hold me for?

We say things as people

* Say things when we’re too emotional to think about them
* Say things to manipulate the social climate and our current status in conversation
* Say things just to say things for God knows what reasons

And people lie, people lie a lot. For millions of different reasons.

So that’s about it

A word unless specifically damning in a current legal precedent (as in you admit to a crime you are being tried for). Can essentially be forever passed off as shlet.

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