Why can big celebrities openly admit to taking illegal drugs, and have little to no action taken against them?


Johnny Depp’s recent trial comes to mind – he openly admitted to doing cocaine but as far as I’m aware no action was taken

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It isn’t illegal to use drugs, it’s just illegal to possess them, or in some cases to be under the influence of them, such as while driving, or while causing a nuisance in public. Saying “I did coke a week ago,” isn’t an admission that you currently posess coke, or even than you did a week ago, as presumably it could have been given to you by somebody one line at a time as you were using it. Admitting to being high on coke in public is usually fine as well, because in most jurisdictions misdemeanors like that are only prosecuted if an officer is there when the crime is committed. Since the burden of proof in criminal cases is “beyond a reasonable doubt”, bringing such flimsy cases for minor crimes to court just isn’t worth it, since they almost never succeed.

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