Why can big celebrities openly admit to taking illegal drugs, and have little to no action taken against them?


Johnny Depp’s recent trial comes to mind – he openly admitted to doing cocaine but as far as I’m aware no action was taken

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84 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Look no further than prince harry? Coke & E’s according to himself and he can jet about the world

Anonymous 0 Comments

Look no further than prince harry? Coke & E’s according to himself and he can jet about the world

Anonymous 0 Comments

Statute of limitations. It’s not illegal, in most any country, to have done drugs in the past. Murder is just about the only thing that doesn’t have a limit on when you can be charged with it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Statute of limitations. It’s not illegal, in most any country, to have done drugs in the past. Murder is just about the only thing that doesn’t have a limit on when you can be charged with it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say you get angry and you say to someone, ‘I’ll kill you!’ like in those scenes on Saturday morning cartoons.

The law suggests that despite killing being a crime, and even attempting to kill someone with premeditation can be a crime. As long as you don’t actually try to kill someone you’re fine.

Likewise, I can say, I did cocaine in college. And y’know what. The cops can check my pee, and swab my cheek, and they’d never find it on me nor my person, and I don’t do cocaine. So what would they hold me for?

We say things as people

* Say things when we’re too emotional to think about them
* Say things to manipulate the social climate and our current status in conversation
* Say things just to say things for God knows what reasons

And people lie, people lie a lot. For millions of different reasons.

So that’s about it

A word unless specifically damning in a current legal precedent (as in you admit to a crime you are being tried for). Can essentially be forever passed off as shlet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Let’s say you get angry and you say to someone, ‘I’ll kill you!’ like in those scenes on Saturday morning cartoons.

The law suggests that despite killing being a crime, and even attempting to kill someone with premeditation can be a crime. As long as you don’t actually try to kill someone you’re fine.

Likewise, I can say, I did cocaine in college. And y’know what. The cops can check my pee, and swab my cheek, and they’d never find it on me nor my person, and I don’t do cocaine. So what would they hold me for?

We say things as people

* Say things when we’re too emotional to think about them
* Say things to manipulate the social climate and our current status in conversation
* Say things just to say things for God knows what reasons

And people lie, people lie a lot. For millions of different reasons.

So that’s about it

A word unless specifically damning in a current legal precedent (as in you admit to a crime you are being tried for). Can essentially be forever passed off as shlet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In US, and UK also, there are no laws related to taking drugs. The laws are about possessing, selling and importing drugs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In US, and UK also, there are no laws related to taking drugs. The laws are about possessing, selling and importing drugs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because *anyone* can do that. It’s not illegal to take drugs, it’s illegal to *possess* drugs.

[The CPS](https://www.cps.gov.uk/crime-info/drug-offences) states: “It is illegal to possess, supply and produce controlled drugs. It is also illegal to import or export drugs, or to allow your premises to be used for drug production.”

The act of doing drugs is not illegal. In jurisdictions where it *is* illegal, you can just say that “Oh, my speech/song was part of entertainment”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because *anyone* can do that. It’s not illegal to take drugs, it’s illegal to *possess* drugs.

[The CPS](https://www.cps.gov.uk/crime-info/drug-offences) states: “It is illegal to possess, supply and produce controlled drugs. It is also illegal to import or export drugs, or to allow your premises to be used for drug production.”

The act of doing drugs is not illegal. In jurisdictions where it *is* illegal, you can just say that “Oh, my speech/song was part of entertainment”.