Why can big celebrities openly admit to taking illegal drugs, and have little to no action taken against them?


Johnny Depp’s recent trial comes to mind – he openly admitted to doing cocaine but as far as I’m aware no action was taken

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84 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the other points, I remember Johnnys defense made it clear that the drugs were legally prescribed and not bought off the street.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In addition to the other points, I remember Johnnys defense made it clear that the drugs were legally prescribed and not bought off the street.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you do drugs where it’s legal for those drugs, what crime was committed? There are countries where all drugs have been decriminalized. International waters. Plus, all the actual legal posts made.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you do drugs where it’s legal for those drugs, what crime was committed? There are countries where all drugs have been decriminalized. International waters. Plus, all the actual legal posts made.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I used to smoke weed in public a lot about 20 years ago. It is legal in my country now (in private) but wasn’t then.

I used to make sure that I stashed the weed nearby and only had on me what I was consuming.

I was regularly (usually at least once a week) stopped and searched by cops, but I always destroyed what I had on me when I saw them approaching and then there was nothing to arrest me for, even though I freely admitted I was just smoking weed.

The crime is / was possession, not use.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I used to smoke weed in public a lot about 20 years ago. It is legal in my country now (in private) but wasn’t then.

I used to make sure that I stashed the weed nearby and only had on me what I was consuming.

I was regularly (usually at least once a week) stopped and searched by cops, but I always destroyed what I had on me when I saw them approaching and then there was nothing to arrest me for, even though I freely admitted I was just smoking weed.

The crime is / was possession, not use.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is against the law to possess, supply, produce, or enable the production of drugs. It is also illegal to perform certain actions under the influence of drugs, such as driving, and use of drugs may become a factor in the sentencing of criminal behaviour. However, it is not illegal to take them.

This is not a UK/US issue. You could walk into any police station in the UK and confess to having taken drugs and they will tell you to go away.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there’s a lot of grey area when it comes to consuming drugs. Imagine overdosing and worrying about getting arrested, so you (or your”friends” taking care of you) decide to NOT go to the hospital for fear of getting arrested. This is why there’s that grey area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because there’s a lot of grey area when it comes to consuming drugs. Imagine overdosing and worrying about getting arrested, so you (or your”friends” taking care of you) decide to NOT go to the hospital for fear of getting arrested. This is why there’s that grey area.

Anonymous 0 Comments

because they are rich and the law isn’t equal to everybody?