Why can our eyes focus on certain things in a mirror if it’s a two-dimensional object?


Didn’t know how to flair this, sorry.

In: Other

4 Answers

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Because your eyes are not focussing on the mirror itself, but on the object. If an object is say 5 m away from a mirror and you’re 3 m away from that same mirror, you’d have to focus your eyes as if you were looking at an object 8 m away. The lines of sight of your eyes won’t cross on the mirror, but on the point you’re looking at whith the mirror simply redirecting the beams.

If a mirror would be pretty dirty you’d find that it would not be possible to focus on the dirt on the mirror (at this point you’re looking at the 2D mirror itself) and the objects in the mirror (the 3D room that the mirror is reflecting).

It’s hard to explain without drawing this, so sorry for the rather bad explanation.

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