Why can satellite television service easily play high quality movies/shows, while satellite internet service buffers videos constantly even in low quality?


Why can satellite television service easily play high quality movies/shows, while satellite internet service buffers videos constantly even in low quality?

In: Technology

11 Answers

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Most of the commons have addressed the obviously needed bidirectional aspect of satellite Internet. But that’s only part of the reason it’s so slow for video streaming.

The biggest reason is that there is only a finite amount of bandwidth on a given satellite or transponder. This is not an issue when broadcasting video to whoever wants to pay for it and tune it in. But when you want to have individual access to data it must be shared amongst many users, and therefore each user only gets a small sliver of the satellite’s available bandwidth. It would be like having one, let’s say cable, internet connection to a city for all to use. Each user’s speed would be quite slow.

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