Why can wrestler’s compete well into their 40s and sometimes 50s and stay in great shape and perform crazy stunts but actual professional athletes rarely play into their even late 30s?


Please don’t just tell me because wrestling is fake because a quick Google search on wrestler’s injuries and you’ll see that it’s definitely not fake all the time and is very dangerous.

In: Other

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wrestling is not fake but it’s entertainment not elite sports.

The actors are fit and strong and able to pull off the stunts but they are stunts i.e. carefully planned and coordinated. Injuries do occur because even with the best of planning getting thrown from Great heights and hit with chairs etc is dangerous.

Professional athletes have to train and compete at a high level all the time against opponents who aren’t following a script and aiming to lose, they want to win as much as you.

The there is a new generation of athletes coming behind you and eventually your body just can’t do it to the same level.

Then there is life that changes priorities. When your young you’ve got all the time to train when you get older other priorities stop you training as much. That said in sports like football (soccer) many players are playing into their late 30’s with improved fitness and diet regimes compared to players of earlier generations. Some continue to play just not at the highest levels.

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