: Why can you not remember parts of your very young life , like when you were born your brain might not be old enough , but I mean around toddler age


: Why can you not remember parts of your very young life , like when you were born your brain might not be old enough , but I mean around toddler age

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your recent memory is more utilised and thus prioritised over longer memories. You remember things about your current friends more than your primary school friends because you come across them more and use those memories actively.

Toddlers can remember things about the womb; songs played during the end of the pregnancy can make a toddler very happy or relaxed even if they don’t hear it for a year or two after birth.

Adults don’t remember things about the womb or toddler life because as a small child you didn’t actively remember those and as such that’s discarded along the way

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