Why can your body sleep through alarms even when using multiple alarms to help wake you up?


I usually set up about 6 alarms or more to help me wake up in the morning because I’ve had numerous occasions of not waking up at the first alarm or second. I’ve noticed times where it’s never the same alarm that wakes me up, it usually changes so I know all the alarms are working (volume all the way up and has some kind of annoying sound/ringtone. I’ve also had to change the sounds to it when it’s reaching the later alarms because I somehow manage to start ignoring it.

In: Other

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had that and took one day to train to get the f**k out of bed:

Set Alarm within 5 minutes, went to bed, closed my eyes and stood up immediately as the alarm went on.
Did it with variations of minutes the whole day and it worked fine.

Just make it important to get out of the bed. Turn of every other alarm keep one. If you don’t get up you get in trouble but prepare something you like, maybe get up a half hour earlier to listen to your favorite music?

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