Why can’t a middle class individual use the same tax avoidance methods as the ultra rich to pay little to no income taxes?


Why can’t a middle class individual use the same tax avoidance methods as the ultra rich to pay little to no income taxes?

In: Economics

27 Answers

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In addition to the other good answers, there are tax benefits to some investments that middle class people can’t afford. Also…. can’t afford to pay for high-priced accountants and tax lawyers who make these tax avoidance methods happen. These experts have combed through the tax codes and know how to use them.

These days, the IRS is reluctant to start an audit with the very rich because it takes so much time and energy and so many people, all of which costs money and takes them from other tasks. It’s a lot easier to pick on middle class taxpayers who don’t have the same resources to deal with the IRS.

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