Why can’t a Resmed ASV BiPAP be used as a ventilator?


I use an adaptoservo ventilator at night, which really is just a BiPAP with different software. In fact, the machine looks identical to Resmed CPAPs, making me believe it’s just software differences.

Thousands of Americans use these devices.

It is designed to detect a lapse in breathing (in central sleep apnea, your brain forgets to tell you to breathe), and give you a puff to trigger your breathing reflex.

Couldn’t these be modified to function as vents?

In: Engineering

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So I suspect you actually asked the wrong question. The other answer here addressed the question you asked pretty well so I’ll leave that alone.

The question you probably wanted to ask is something like:
“Could a Resmed ASV BiPAP be used to supplement the number of available ventilators in the COVID crisis”
To which the answer is: No. PAP machines can aerosolize the virus, posing a risk for spreading the disease to others in the environment, which would be a bad thing.

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