Why can’t cigarettes be made healthy?


Surely things can be removed from cigarettes that will make them healthier.

In: 48

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

For the same reason fire can’t be made harmless.

Inhaling smoke is, by it’s very nature, inherently damaging to the lungs.

Anonymous 0 Comments

breathing NOT AIR is bad for you, and breathing post-combustion particulates is even worse.

There are things you can you do to make them more healthy, but those things have been done already for the most part. For example the filter prevents you from aspirating burning coals and reduces the average size of the inhaled particles, reduction of the amount of additives, and other regulations have made the secondary effects less harmful.

E-cigarettes were supposed to “solve” this, and we all saw how that turned out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is a pretty ridiculous question. It’s just not healthy to inhale smoke in general. Let’s start out with the fact that the smoke comes from something burning, usually pretty close to your mouth so it’s pretty hot. That alone make you inhale super hot temperatures. The smoke in general, all other carcinogens and other burnt stuff inside, so I’m talking about just carbon for all intents and purposes…… would line your lungs, now add in the fact that cigarettes have nicotine which is bad as well as tar… which is really really bad…. there’s just no way you can actually make it healthy…

Anonymous 0 Comments

Making something healthier isn’t the same as making it healthy.

It’s sort of like deep frying, you could eat deep fries oreos and they are terrible for you. Or you could eat deep fried salad, which would be healthier, but not healthy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The burning of organic substances (like tobacco leaves, meat, wood, etc) releases a bunch of toxic chemicals and compounds. The only way to avoid these chemicals and compounds would be to fully burn everything but that would defeat the purpose of smoking tobacco (i.e. inhalation of nicotine) as the nicotine would be destroyed in the process.

Mind you, there are substances added to tobacco to increase the addictiveness and taste of the tobacco which can increase the health risks associated with smoking. You could probably regulate these additives out of the market but you would also have a whole lot of powerful tobacco corporations and cigarette smokers up in arms about it. For example, ammonia is added to increase the absorption rate of nicotine (increases the hit of the cigarette which increases how dependent you get) and sugars and flavors are added to change the taste of the smoke and to make it easier to inhale. These additives are allowed because they pose little extra risk compared to the harmful effects of tobacco smoking.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Along with the factors made by other people, there’s carbon nano-particles. This is found in all smoke – cigarette, bushfire, coal (the main cause of The Great London Smog of 1952 that killed about 10,000 people).

Carbon nanoparticles induce an immune response, but are not destroyed by it. This causes a LOT of problems. For instance, in the lungs, they cause the release of extracellular traps, a ‘net’ of DNA and proteases that are released by immune cells (especially neutrophils). Proteases are the enzymes that cut. This is great for destroying a pathogen, but if the pathogen cannot be destroyed, then it just keeps setting off this response, and you end up with excess proteases which don’t know the difference between a pathogen and your healthy lung cells. Too much protease activity is essentially how you get emphysema.

These nanoparticles are also small enough to cross the lung wall into your blood stream. The immune response there is, eventually, the same plaques that lead to heart blockages and strokes. This small size is also why these nanoparticles end up in the bottom of your lungs, where you can’t cough them out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Inhaling the smoke from burning plants is bad for your lungs. That’s true whether the plants are tobacco leaves in a cigarette or whole trees in a forest fire. The reason you mostly hear about the bad effects of tobacco and marijuana smoke is that people try to avoid breathing most other kinds of smoke.

A cigarette is basically a device for burning tobacco leaves and breathing the smoke in order to get nicotine. There’s no way to make a cigarette that you use without breathing smoke, just like you can’t make a bicycle that you use remotely from across the room. It’s impossible by definition.

They have made devices for breathing nicotine without breathing smoke. Vapes do that. Nicotine stresses your heart and is addictive (especially with how fast it goes into your body when you breathe it), but other than that vapes can be made without any of the bad chemicals that are in cigarette smoke.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Despite the countless counter arguments and very clear evidence that it’s bad, something about this thread just makes me want to smoke more than ever lol