Why can’t eyesight fix itself? Bones can mend, blood vessels can repair after a bruise…what’s so special about lenses that they can only get worse?


How is it possible to have bad eyesight at 21 for example, if the body is at one of its most effective years, health wise? How can the lens become out of focus so fast?

Edit: Hoooooly moly that’s a lot of stuff after I went to sleep. Much thanks y’all for the great answers.

In: 4262

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not all things in our bodies are equal. Our skin, our bones, our muscles, our organs, they all heal with different levels of efficiency to different kinds of injuries or abnormalities. The eyes are very specific body parts, we don’t have anything else like them in our bodies, and their tissues are also very particular. I for one think that they’re much more resilient than we give them credit for, because we consider them very sensitive body parts but the fact of the matter is that eyes often heal from very brutal things, be it all sorts of chopping and lasering with surgery or injury from foreign objects, car crashes, environmental factors like extreme conditons etc. There’s all sorts of ways temporary blindness can be caused from which the eyes recover which I honestly find remarkable.

That being said there’s just a few limits to what our bodies can do. Most people are born with deficiencies, things that are not quite right be it bad eyes, bad teeth, bad airways, bad joints, bad immune systems, bad organs and all sorts of other things that are not quite right which are like this from birth but show themselves throughout our lives and not always from the beginning.

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