Why can’t eyesight fix itself? Bones can mend, blood vessels can repair after a bruise…what’s so special about lenses that they can only get worse?


How is it possible to have bad eyesight at 21 for example, if the body is at one of its most effective years, health wise? How can the lens become out of focus so fast?

Edit: Hoooooly moly that’s a lot of stuff after I went to sleep. Much thanks y’all for the great answers.

In: 4262

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I had some untreated hyperthyroidism. One of the symptoms is they eyes get deformed (usually bulging although mine were not). My sight was getting progressively worse. Once I had the condition treated, my eye sight has actually improved a little bit.

I believe structural eye problems are tough for your body to repair as most of the repair/healing functions add or remove tissue and the eye pretty much needs to stay in ballence to properly focus. But, if it is an external force that is causing the issue (such as extra pressure deforming the eye) and that issue is resolved, your eye can bounce back

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