Why can’t eyesight fix itself? Bones can mend, blood vessels can repair after a bruise…what’s so special about lenses that they can only get worse?


How is it possible to have bad eyesight at 21 for example, if the body is at one of its most effective years, health wise? How can the lens become out of focus so fast?

Edit: Hoooooly moly that’s a lot of stuff after I went to sleep. Much thanks y’all for the great answers.

In: 4262

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

your eye is more complicated and delicate than those other body parts by comparison. A bone is just a bunch of the same material in a line. Blood same thing. Your Eye is several pieces arranged into a bowl that is capable of capturing light and encoding it. As our cells divide, stuff that’s essentially the same material just spreads out. But because of the complexity of the eye, the irregular nature of cell division progressively deforms the complex machine. That’s why everyone’s eyesight gets worse as they get old. Now, you ask why the eye can’t heal itself. But the way the body heals itself is through cell division. It’s just that this tool for self-healing is particularly ill suited to healing an eye for the reason above.

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