why can’t limbs be transplanted to the needy just like heart, eyes etc ?


why can’t limbs be transplanted to the needy just like heart, eyes etc ?

In: 1518

58 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have no idea about the surgical part of the issue, but the main problem is that neural connections don’t have a standardised format like a USB drive slot. Therefore, limbs don’t immediately move the way the host’s brain wants them to. Even if your surgeon reconnects fasces of nerves correctly, you wouldn’t be able to use them immediately. After years of physiotherapy and a bit of luck, maybe you can regain some of your functional limb usage, but it’s far-fetched that all of this burden could become a standardised procedure for people who lose a limb given the progress of prosthetic limbs which are much better and more readily trained.

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