why can’t limbs be transplanted to the needy just like heart, eyes etc ?


why can’t limbs be transplanted to the needy just like heart, eyes etc ?

In: 1518

58 Answers

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The musculoskeletal system is like a bundle of thousands of tiny ropes that run continuously throughout the body. In muscles, those ropes can bunch and contract. In bones the ropes are encased in minerals that make them hard and inflexible. Tendons are where the ropes connect muscles to bone and ligaments are where the bones connect to other bones. But the ropes run throughout these four tissues and all its limbs without any loose ends. When those ropes are severed, it’s very difficult to tie them all back together again. They have the ability to heal, but it’s never quite the same.

Running parallel to all these ropes are interconnected cables called nerves, which are also very difficult to repair when cut.

Replacing a limb without loss of function is a staggering feat of microsurgery, because you have to reconnect thousands of tiny ropes and cables that can’t be easily mended.

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