Why can’t magnets make a perpetual motion machine? (Using magnets to propel a turbine the create energy)


I get that the main reason perpetual motion isn’t possible is because energy loss due to friction, but that’s not the case with magnets (I think?). Why can’t perpetual motion be achieved with magnets? What can’t we make something that spins and creates energy using magnets to propel a turbine?

In: Physics

8 Answers

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>Why can’t perpetual motion be achieved with magnets? What can’t we make something that spins and creates energy using magnets to propel a turbine?

Sure, you can suspend some magnetic contraption within a vacuum, give it a good flick and it would spin a fair bit. It’ll eventually stop due to manufacturing imperfections and constant interactions with external magnetic fields, but that’ll take some time.

Now how did you plan on taking energy **out** of the system without friction or other magnetic fields? How would this turbine be connected to the spinning device?

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