Why can’t plastics be more efficiently recycled?


I know glass and aluminum can be recycled pretty efficiently, but if plastics have lower melting temperatures I would assume they’d denature less therefore offering better methods of recycling.

In: Chemistry

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Plastics are produced using plastic resin which are tiny pellets of plastic. Resins vary drastically by industry and brand based on the type of plastics being used and colorant that is being added.

This makes recycling extremely complex and expensive. Plastic must be sorted by type HDPE, PPE, etc. and by color. The plastic is then reduced back into pellets based on type and then reproduced.

When recycled, plastic will have impurities and depending on the type and number of times the plastic has been recycled it will also be weaker (more brittle). Eventually plastic can no longer be recycled because it has become too weak from the process and will crack.

Ultimately, it is much cheaper for companies to not use recycled plastic and their packaging looks cleaner. There are biodegradable resins in the works but none that I’m aware of are completely biodegradable and as you’d expect they cost more.

Source: 6 years in product development for a hair care brand.

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