Why can’t safety features like parachutes, be added to airplanes to help ease them to the ground, when its inevitable that the plane will crash?


Why can’t safety features like parachutes, be added to airplanes to help ease them to the ground, when its inevitable that the plane will crash?

In: Physics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not inevitable the aircraft will crash.

Aircraft have many duplicate systems and back ups.

For example, the flying controls only need one set of hydraulics to work. But each engine drives a separate hydraulic pump and circuit. Some aircraft even have a third powered by a ram air

Technically the aircraft only needs 1 flying control computer. However some aircraft have 4. Which cross monitor each other in case one of them malfunctions.

On the aircraft I work on they have 5 different ways of creating electricity. An AC generator per engine, a DC generator per engine and a transformer rectifier unit and a battery. If one system fails the others will take over. Essential systems are given priority on the electrical power available

Then there’s the high quality of maintenance done on aircraft. Parts are regularly checked and replaced every few hours even if they could be ok. Any work done by a technician will be tested afterwards or independently inspected.

The pilots will be highly trained with 1000s of flying hours. And routinely tested in a flight simulator and medical examinations.

Then look at the flightradar24.com website at how many aircraft are flying per day….Everyday. 100,000s of aircraft are routinely flying without incident,

TDLR: airliners are considerably much safer than cars and trucks.

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