Why can’t the government just set a concrete price for everything (Rent, groceries, etc) and forbid it from ever changing? That would prevent inflation from ever happening, right?


Why can’t the government just set a concrete price for everything (Rent, groceries, etc) and forbid it from ever changing? That would prevent inflation from ever happening, right?

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17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The problem with price caps (which is effectively what you’re describing) is that price increases are the result of demand outstripping supply. If you cap the price, often the result is that you run out of the thing you’re controlling. Once that starts to happen, you get black markets; why would I sell my loaves of bread for the government mandated $2 when I could instead sell them on a street corner for $5?

The other thing is that inflation isn’t universally bad. The government tries to maintain a couple percent inflation per year. Inflation is good for people who borrow money, and helps drive people to invest their money, which is good for the economy. You don’t want to completely squash inflation, just like you don’t want to let it grow out of control.

There are other ways to slow inflation besides price caps. Take money out of the economy by taxing the rich (you may have to tax them more to get the same economic effects you would by taxing the poor, but hey, they can afford it). Increase the supply of goods by reducing tariffs and building housing. Increase interest rates (which can reduce employment rates; maybe use the money you’re getting from those taxes to bolster the social safety net?). Experiment with principles from modern monetary theory. There are a lot of things you can try to combat the negative effects of inflation.

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