Why can’t visible light pass through solids?


X rays can go through solids.
Radio waves can go through solids.
And both of these are on either side of visible light in the spectrum. Why can’t visible light go through solids?

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It can, Look at glass, diamonds, any see through gemstone, crystals.

What determines if light can pass through an object isn’t whether it is solid liquid or gas, but the specific material properties of that object. Things like glass are solids, but form a crystalline structure that allow light to pass through.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is Lead, which is extremely dense with many many electrons that are really good at absorbing light radiation, including x rays.

Some liquids like water are see through, some liquids like mercury are not.

it isnt the phase of an object, but its material properties.

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