Why can’t we add dye to metal to make coloured metal that is less susceptible to scratches?


It seems that we can add dye to plastics and get coloured plastics. Why can’t we just do the same with molten metal and get coloured metal? Rather, It seems like all the metal I have ever owned is just painted on the exterior of the item, and is vulnerable to flaking and being scratched off.

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5 Answers

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We do dye metals. Rose gold is gold dyed red by using copper. Similarly we do the same for white gold or bronze and brass.

A dye used on metals must be able to survive the melting point of metal and typically the only thing that can, is other metals. However, we don’t call these colored metals, we call them alloys. Alloying metals does a lot more than change their color so it’s not used in this way very often.

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