Why can’t we add dye to metal to make coloured metal that is less susceptible to scratches?


It seems that we can add dye to plastics and get coloured plastics. Why can’t we just do the same with molten metal and get coloured metal? Rather, It seems like all the metal I have ever owned is just painted on the exterior of the item, and is vulnerable to flaking and being scratched off.

In: 2

5 Answers

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Plastic can be colored because it’s typically transparent and translucent in its pure state, but metal is opaque and even incredibly thin plates can block 100% of the light, so you’d hardly be able to see any of the dye

Even then the dye would probably not stay together well because molten metal is really dense and stuff tends to float, and even if you manage that, the dye particles probably would reduce the metal proprieties somewhat

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