Why can’t we catapult rockets?


Well, I’ve always asked myself why can’t we use some kind of train or catapult to help the rockets to save fuel or to go further. Can anyone explain me why?

In: Engineering

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Getting into orbit requires 3000 G.kms. If you want to accelerate at 3Gs then your catapult needs to be 1000km long. Even if you can tolerate 10Gs that’s still a 300km catapult.

I understand that you’re talking about catapulting a rocket, so the catapult doesn’t do all the work. Even doing just 10% of the work results in needing a huge catapult, like 100km long. And the penalty for adding the rocket is that your catapult now has to handle 10 times more weight.

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