Why can’t we control out own sensations ? Why is our brain not able to just turn off the feeling of pain for the moment ? “I got it, something is bad, now stop hurting !” Or to just fall asleep whenever we want to.


Why can’t we control out own sensations ? Why is our brain not able to just turn off the feeling of pain for the moment ? “I got it, something is bad, now stop hurting !” Or to just fall asleep whenever we want to.

In: Biology

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a defense mechanism… Lets say you’re hiking and have a dislocated ankle or knee. The pain is there to remind you there is something fucked up, and not to abuse it or it can get worse… That is basically why is pain, to remind you there is something wrong and you need to treat it ASAP. Removing may trigger you to think its not that bad

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