Why can’t we create our own gravity, like lab created gravity. Isn’t gravity just a big object pushing down on some sort of “plane” ?


Why can’t we create our own gravity, like lab created gravity. Isn’t gravity just a big object pushing down on some sort of “plane” ?

In: Physics

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. Gravity is demonstrated like that because it makes some sense to people, but it is not that. Gravity is a warping of time that arises from the presence of mass, and a related attraction between mass.

All of those demos with rubber sheets do a good job of visualizing how the force tapers with distance, but they completely fail to describe what is ‘actually going on’. There is no grand plane that is being stretched, forming some pit that things fall into, unless you consider time itself to be a plane I suppose. In any case, you can’t well push on time, so creating gravity in any way other than adding mass to something currently seems impossible.

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