Why can’t we go faster in space?


Okay, I’m an idiot. Just to preface this. But let’s say I’m in space. There’s no wind resistance right? If I accelerate, I’ll maintain that speed. Why can’t I just burn more fuel and go faster?

In: 194

13 Answers

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Going fast is easy. Burn fuel, exhaust one way, acceleration the other way.

But going even faster is harder. The faster you go, the harder it is to go even faster, since it takes more energy to go faster than fast.

Eventually, you will reach a point at which you cannot go faster because going any faster would take more energy than you can have, so you eventually stabilize at some high speed.

It takes 4 times as much energy to go 2 times as fast.

Eventually, you will simply run out of energy to go faster – let alone going any faster relative to your current speed to notice any change in speed.

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