why can’t we have car radios that work like DVRs, so we can pause or rewind broadcasts? I hate missing the first part of something, and I’m spoiled by DVR technology. Thanks in advance.


why can’t we have car radios that work like DVRs, so we can pause or rewind broadcasts? I hate missing the first part of something, and I’m spoiled by DVR technology. Thanks in advance.

In: Technology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a number of cheap portable music players that claim to record FM radio like [this](https://www.amazon.com/wiwoo-Bluetooth-Portable-Recorder-Expandable/dp/B07TRKN1FT). On the higher end, [this](https://www.amazon.com/CWTPL-Witness-Digital-Recorder-Player/dp/B009K6ULV8) has up to 20 recording timers.

Not in-dash car radios but easily connected to one.

Beyond that, I think the alternatives have made the idea obsolete. Nearly every talk radio program has a podcast released the same day. Then with Spotify and Pandora, pretty much the only reason to listen to radio anymore is to not know what you’re going to hear.

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