Why can’t we just surgically remove/lipo all the unwanted or excess fat at once?


I’m just curious. I’m sure if it was possible, it would be the most popular cosmetic surgery in the world. No more “my 600 pound life” shows, just go in and come out at your goal weight.

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The easiest way to explain this is this: there’s actually multiple types of fat, and they differ in how they’re stored, as well as what it would take to remove them.

Subcutaneous fat is, more or less, what people think of when they think of fat. It can be worked off through exercise, or it can be surgically removed relatively safely through medical procedures.

What is NOT easily removed is fat that builds up surrounded the organs (visceral fat), which can not simply be suctioned off easily.

A crucial thing to note, though, is that fluids are stored in fat. If you where to just suction off literally 400 pounds of fat, that would cause MASSIVE issues in the individual and their fluid levels, which would critically effect many major organs, namely the kidneys and heart. That’s not to say that doctors can’t suction off large amounts of fat; but there certainly is a percentage that they can. I personally do not know what that is (that gets medically complicated and needs numerous variables to be taken into consideration), but there is a limit.

Hope that helped.

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