Why can’t we put people who are struggling with addiction in a coma for the physical withdrawal symptoms?


Why can’t we put people who are struggling with addiction in a coma for the physical withdrawal symptoms?
I know that they still have to go through the mental aspect of coming clean, but can’t we lessen the suffering by putting them in a coma for 30 days until everything is out of their system? From my understanding, it takes 21 days to make or break a habit.

In: 3

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have glasses and don’t want to get Lasik eye surgery to live without them it would be nice but for me even the small risk of eye damage isn’t worth it.

Medical induced comas are much riskier in terms of brain damage while subjecting someone to explosive to addictive drugs I’m the process.

This is also ignoring the extreme amount of resources that would be going into this person. I don’t think facilities that could do this would appreciate a 30 day patient that needs to be fed through tubes and constantly kept tabs on.

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