Why can’t we recycle plastic in the same way we do for metal? Melt it and remold it?


Why can’t we recycle plastic in the same way we do for metal? Melt it and remold it?

In: Technology

13 Answers

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I saw this video a while back [Limitations of plastic recycling](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXRtNwUju5g) (I am changing the title because I think the original one was slightly misleading).

The main idea is that plastic recycling is not a technological problem but an economic one. Either the technology to completely recycle plastic already exists, or if it does not, we can develop it. But, plastic recycling is not economically feasible. The world works such that if there is money to be made out of it, it will get done (even if it is selling children, or selling drugs, or selling drugs to children). But since there is no money to be made, we (as a country, or a specie) are not doing it.

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