Why can’t we see the Earth spinning from space?


Same for the ISS…it looks like it’s standing still but it’s actually moving. Why is that?

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7 Answers

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Earth spine once per 24 hours. This is half the speed of the hour hand on a clock, it is not fast at all. To see earth motion from far away you need to speed up the film or what is for long times,

ISS orbits Earth once in 90 minutes which is 16 times per day. Earth rotates in the same directions ISS orbits so the difference you see from earth rotation at a moment is close to a speed reduction to 15/16=93%. So the ground below ISS move at 93% of the speed as it would move if the earth did not rotate.

You can compare it to if you drive on a road and there is a touch beside you. Look a the truck as a passenger and your field of view can be filed with it and it all looks like there is no motion at all.

To see earth’s rotation you have to look at it from a point that do not move relative to earth like from the DSCOVR that orbits in between earth and the sun. You can see the earth rotate in images from it. You will see the side that is illuminated by the sun all the time because of the satellite’s position. https://epic.gsfc.nasa.gov/

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