Why can’t you cook your food at 5000degrees for 1 minute instead of 50degrees for 100 minutes?


Why can’t you cook your food at 5000degrees for 1 minute instead of 50degrees for 100 minutes?

In: Other

9 Answers

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To cook your food well it needs to reach a specific temperature. And that means all of it, inside and outside.
If you cook your food for 30 minutes at 150 degrees, you heat most of it up to that temperature.
If you turn your oven to 1500 degrees however and just cook for 3 minutes, only the outside will be hot, because your food needs time to actually transfer the heat and evenly distribute it. This the outside is scorched while everything past a few millimetres will be raw.

A way of somewhat fixing this is the microwave. Due to processes, that are best described as „black magic fuckery“ in the scope of this comment, the food is actually heated more or less evenly from the inside, so it reaches the target temperature faster.

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