Why can’t you just cut off cancer cells?


I know there’s a reason, but I don’t know what it is.

In: Biology

41 Answers

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To answer your question we first have to understand what cancer is and how it works. Cancer starts with a single human cell that stops doing its intended job and instead grows and makes more cancer cells very quickly. The way cancer hurts us is by growing so big in a vital organ that the vital organ can’t do its job any longer, and we die from the failure of the vital organ. For example, breasts are very nice, but no one would die from breast cancer if it stayed in the breast. We can live without breasts. Breast cancer kills people because it spreads to places like the liver and lungs and we can’t without those. Now to your question.

You *can* cut out cancer cells. The problem is that if you miss even one cell it just starts the process all over again, which is why we almost always give chemo/immunotherapy or radiation or both in addition to the surgery, just to increase the chances of killing any stray cells left behind by the surgery.

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