Why can’t you just *not* pay off a loan/dept/etc?


I understand that the IRS makes sure you play taxes, but what about loans? Like can’t I just get a movie from a redbox and never return it since i’d only have to pay when I returned it?

In: Economics

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You surely can just not pay, the same way you can just not pay taxes.

When you don’t pay something you contracted (when you rent a movie you sign a contract) when it’s due it starts counting interest.

When your debt is big enough to justify the expenses they sue you and then many things can happen depending on the law of your jurisdiction.

If the judge finds you guilty and you still refuse to pay, they go to your address and try to convince you in person to pay up on the spot. If you still refuse they take stuff to offset the debt. If you don’t own anything that’s worth it, they will confiscate a part of your salary (your employer only gives you part of your salary and the remaining goes directly to repayment of the debt). If you don’t have a job or your salary is below a certain threshold you are forced to file for bankruptcy. Since you have nothing of value you will be on a kind of probation for some years. If you get a job in that period, your salary gets confiscated. If you don’t get a job they just give up and you start a new life when the probation is over.

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