Why can’t you just *not* pay off a loan/dept/etc?


I understand that the IRS makes sure you play taxes, but what about loans? Like can’t I just get a movie from a redbox and never return it since i’d only have to pay when I returned it?

In: Economics

13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you rent a movie from Redbox, [you enter a contract](https://www.redbox.com/transactionterms). They have your card, and if you don’t uphold your end of the contract they start charging extra fees. Eventually they stop, but it’s after they’ve charged you a good bit more than the movie was probably worth. So you’re encouraged to bring it back on time.

With something like a car, that’s an asset. If you decide to not pay, the bank’s going to call and ask what’s up. If you ignore them, one day a person with a tow truck will show up and take the car away. The car is not *your* property until the bank’s loan is paid off.

If you blow off a big loan like that, it goes into your credit history. The next car you try to buy will be much harder to finance. You’ll be approved for less money and the interest rate will be worse.

So life is easier when you pay your debts and fulfill your contracts.

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