Why can’t you not pay your debt until you die, sure the interest will be insane but they can’t come after you if you’re dead


Why can’t you not pay your debt until you die, sure the interest will be insane but they can’t come after you if you’re dead

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11 Answers

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If it’s a small amount, your credit score is ruined and you can’t borrow any money ever. If you somehow pay cash for card and never buy a house, that can work, but many landlords will also check credit and not rent if they worry they’ll get stiffed. Life can get tough.

If it’s a substantial amount of money, you will get taken to court, and they will come for your assets, garnish your wages, and assure that you remain poor as well as indebted. It’s a pretty miserable life.

Borrowing a million dollars the month before you die might work if you have nothing you want to leave as an inheritance. Most people don’t know their death dates with that precision.

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