Why can’t you spot reduce fat?


I get that everyone stores/carries fat differently but wouldn’t it be more efficient to have a system where the fat near whatever muscles doing work gets broken down first?

In: 9

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Cause when you work out, no matter what you do be it a squat or a pushup or a deadlift or whatever you are burning calories. Not tummy calories or leg calories or ass calories. Just calories. So the weight comes of everywhere.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“wouldn’t it be more efficient”

I mean, add it to the developer’s notes for Humanity 2.0, I guess

You can’t spot reduce fat because fat reduction is the result of a caloric deficit, and you don’t spot fuel your body with calories from food, nor does your body only get energy from the part of your body that you are using when you work out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I feel like the system being more efficient would still lead to fatty accumulation. If you could spot reduce fat it would lead to very skinny belly, but i would still imagine the excess energy must be stored as fat. So one would end up with massive love handles or fatty knees, if we assume the fat is stored equally across the body. And very top of the head is very short on muscles too, there would be massive pileup between the skull and the skin. This is all just thought experimenting on the body being more efficient. I strongly feel in this case smart is better than efficient.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The lack of sugar is sensed in the belly of a person, regarless of the cause of it. From there a chemical is sent out into the blood signalling for any available fat to come out of storage. You can spot grow fat by injecting artificial insulin into a particular body part.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Some fat actually is stored in skeletal muscle fibers, along with ATP, the body’s main source of fuel. Fat is not directly converted into energy. Fat is broken down into different lipids, which are carried by the blood and then converted to ATP, just like sugars, meaning carbohydrates, are. The body breaks the ATP down into carbon dioxide, water, heat, and ADP in the mitochondria. There’s really no benefit to having non-skeletal fat stored as close to the muscle as possible, as any deficit of fat derived ATP is not due to the delay in transport.

Anonymous 0 Comments

And here you wrong and many does. Fat does burn near working muscles fist. Look on lags of marathon runner and cyclist. After competition they look burned from inside.

HOWEVER there is a trick. As soo. As local burning started, global start too but its a bit incrorect. What happens – further areas starts to extract holosterin(you should remember all stories about that bad unhelthy fat) into blood which transmit it to places where fat burns most. Thats why it is impossible to burn fat localy for any significant amount of time, it just insta restocked from other deposits.

You arguments about efficiency is super invalid. If you eve wondered who humans without teeth, tough hide and strong muscles survived before they created weapons than know the answer: humans outrans every animal they did not like to death. That was possible because humans has one if the best thermoregulation and fat redistribution

Litle note: fat not only the source of energy (if look globaly) but also source of cooling, which is important to protect tissues from overheating

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body can’t choose to take fat from one place. It uses fat by releasing hormones to the body that instruct fat cells to start releasing lipids that it can then use for energy.

It is easiest to imagine human body as a big pool with one of those smaller pools connected to it; in which there is bunch of stuff floating in it and water circulates in it all. Now you add a green dye to get it all St.Pattys day themed pool, and ask “Wouldn’t it be more efficient for the water to get coloured on the surface first? Yes it would, but the pool of chemicals with stuff floating on it has no concept of surface. It all just spread in to it.

Also here is an important thing. You body is always and constantly using the fat reserves for energy. It takes equally from your gut, liver and fat tissues all the time to balance the blood levels. Why? Because no individual cell in your body can know the state of your gut or liver, it can only signal “*Hey guys! I need more energy!”* and your body responds by releasing it from where ever it can at that moment. What ever gets the signal first releases. And since your body is a big pool of water, if a child pisses on the one end, it will sooner or later spread everywhere in the body.