why constellations are different and rotates differently in the southern hemisphere?


why constellations are different and rotates differently in the southern hemisphere?

In: Earth Science

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you’re in your front yard, and look at the neighbors across your street,

Then walk to the backyard, and look at your neighbors back there.

Now imagine instead of your house, it’s the earth.

If you’re standing at the North Pole, and look up, you see all the stars “above” the earth.

If you’re standing at the South Pole, and look up, you see all the stars “below” the earth.

You can’t see the North Star (and all the northern constellations) from the Southern Hemisphere because the earth is in the way.

So there are some constellations that you can only see from one hemisphere because the earth gets in the way, and there are some you can see from either hemisphere because they’re “up” from the equator.

The reason some constellations come and go with the seasons is because of the sun, if the stars for the constellation are on one side of the sun, and earth is on the other side of the sun, then the sun gets in the way.

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