Why decentralised currency is so much popular today


Why decentralised currency is so much popular today

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4 Answers

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ELI5: there are multiple reasons.

The original reason for popularity was crime: being able to anonymously buying drugs, weapons etc over the internet, was the first driver. Let‘s disregard the fact that cryptocurrencies are not as anonymous as people thougt.

The second, and I think much bigger driver was the expectation, that rising prices opened a storyline of „I can get really rich really quick“ escaping my dead-end wage slavery job, by just investing a few bucks into the „right“ coin. Basically online gambling on a different scale, creating an atmosphere of „fear of missing out“ (FOMO) and with that whole economy of crypto-influencers. And lastly, a whooole lot of scams, that are mostly outright ponzi-schemes.

The third driver was a rise in inflation in countries like Turkey and Argentina, where coins tied to fiat-currency (so called stable coins, where 1 stablecoin would always be worth 1 USD), made it worthwile to exchange your turkish lira to USDC to not lose all your money. From there, it i only a small step to „investing“ that money into other coins.

There are of course many more factors, but having worked in the industry, those always seemed the main reasons to me: crime, a fear of missing out (and the scams that go with it), as well as an honest attempt to not lose your income in countries with high inflation.

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