Why decentralised currency is so much popular today


Why decentralised currency is so much popular today

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4 Answers

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There are two reasons I can think of but there may be more: privacy concerns and crime.

Privacy orientated people will use the currencies where possible rather than fiat. They believe it is less data collected about them what can be used for things like profile building / adverts etc.

Crime is the big player in decentralised currency. Some criminals believe that the transactions made are not tracable (spoiler alert, there are ways to trace). Purchases can range from weapons to drugs, but the major player I’ve seen is it being used to purchase child abuse material online.

If we are talking about crypto specifically, it is more accessible via phone applications now than it was a decade ago and as more people use a certain coin (e.g. BTC or ETH), the more trustworthy that coin becomes (i.e, public sentiment)

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