why deer behave differently when confronted


Deer are known to be extremely cautious creatures and even the slightest sounds can spook them. However deer often freeze up when cars are riding by. Are they scared and freeze up or are they curious and waiting to see what will happen?

In: Biology

6 Answers

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Deer also can learn what is a threat, and what is not, and let the curiosity override innate instinct.

There are several campground in the PNW that have resident deer populations that are wild, but know people in the campground are not a threat. They seem to also recognize dogs as not a threat.

I had a chance this summer to be present (and record) wild western mule deer walk right up to people, eat out of their hand, still in a posture that was hesitant, but curious, while dogs are nearby.

The mother deer was very willing to come close, while both this years fawns, and last year (now 1 year old) were both hesitant and stayed away, their instinct overpowering curiosity.

Compare this to Nara, Japan, where the deer seem entirely domesticated in all but sleeping inside on a pillow.

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