Why did Europe colonies help North America develop but not the other continents?


What is the difference between the colonies in North America and the rest? How would things have been today if all continents were as helped as North America?

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10 Answers

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Some good answers here but for Africa in particular, it wasn’t colonized how we typically think of colonization. This answer mainly applies to the British but what they would do is go somewhere and look around. The tribes there have been at low level war with one another for probably hundreds of years so they hate each other anyway.

Then either a missionary shows up (sometimes they are the first one) and converts a tribe. That tribe is now in contact with the British Empire via Christianity. That tribe then gets picked to be the leader of the area Britain has claimed. Otherwise they just pick a tribe and give them weapons and they conquer the other tribes and get to be the leader.

The British didn’t particularly care how things were ran as long as the in charge tribe made sure things were working in a orderly fashion. Many places might see a white guy show up once a year as a colonial administrator to check on things.

Mostly it was just some army people at an outpost at the end of a random river or mountain range so politicians could point to a map and say “this is part of the British Empire”.

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