Why did Europe colonies help North America develop but not the other continents?


What is the difference between the colonies in North America and the rest? How would things have been today if all continents were as helped as North America?

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10 Answers

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Below is a VERY simplified version of 500 years of history.

The Spanish found gold, silver and emeralds in South America, and were primarily interested in looting those materials from the natives, often through enslaving natives and Africans. They also expected their own lower-class workers to work for essentially minimum wage while minting and transporting piles of money. Naturally, these people stole and accepted bribes, creating a culture of corruption that the area is still battling.

In North America, France was the primary European influence in what is now Canada. These people were largely single men who trapped fur animals and traded with native people for more furs. They did not settle or farm. Instead, the took the fur down the Mississippi what is now the city of New Orleans, where they sold it. Then they went north and did it again.

What is now the US was settled by the English, who sent people who wanted to be farmers. These people brought with them the traditions of English representational government, which they tried to reproduce in their new home. This gave them the “help” that you are referring to.

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