Why did French suppress other languages like Occitan to become the national language?


Why did French suppress other languages like Occitan to become the national language?

In: Culture

3 Answers

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Napoleon really formalized the language with the reinstatement of the Académie Français, which has existed for centuries and regulates the French language to this day. No other language has such a well established regulatory governing body. If you originally had a group of scholars of non-Occitan speaking French, they will reform the official language to the vocabulary and grammar they are using/speaking, and eventually things became standardized.

Edit: it is stated that in 2008 the Académie Français opposed the French Government‘s attempt to recognize Occitan and the regional dialects as the languages of France. So there is a bit of snooty-ness there.

Edit2: Francais*

Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Académie_française

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