Why did humans decide to settle down in very harsh environments like Siberia or the Saharan Desert, why not live in places more moderate and more accepting to life and civilization?


Why did humans decide to settle down in very harsh environments like Siberia or the Saharan Desert, why not live in places more moderate and more accepting to life and civilization?

In: 2272

39 Answers

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As others have pointed out, Sahara wasn’t always a desert.

As for any other place.

A village of humans would grow until the lands around it couldn’t support the inhabitants. At that point a band of probably the younger generation from the village would break out and settle a day or two away.

Repeat that action a few thousand years and people have moved hundreds of miles through different climates, but each move was very small so no one tribe noticed that they moved from hot to cold.

There has also been several mass migrations where conquering general’s like Alexander or ghengis khan has sent millions of people fleeing for their life and picking any space they felt far enough to be safe. So perhaps the frozen north probably felt safer than the alternative at some point.

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