Why did it take humanity so long to make the wheel?


It seems so ordinary and simple, but it took early humans a long time to figure out the wheel from what I’ve heard and I can’t understand why.

In: Engineering

17 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

> It seems so ordinary and simple

Picture some useful but ordinary and simple creation that humans will invent in the next 200 years. Got a picture in your mind? No? Why not? It’s so ordinary and simple….

Inventions are rarely ordinary and simple for the time they are invented. It may look simple to us because it’s been around for many human lifetimes, but there was a time when it was literally one of the most advanced things humans ever invented.

Jump forward 200 years from now, and some of the stuff we’re inventing today will seem pretty trivial. Just look at cell phones, they’re super advanced but they’re so easy and trivial to make today that most people have one. Go back 30 years or so and they weren’t nearly as common because of how advanced and difficult to make they were…but a cell phone from back then looks ‘ordinary and simple’ compared to what we have today.

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