Why did my Guinness turn into a solid?


On St Patricks day I was having a Guinness. I also had a bottle of Baileys. Clearly somewhat inebriated I thought mixing some Baileys into my Guinness would surely create a remarkable sweet chocolate flavor. Instead, basically half the beer turned into a solid. I assume… it must have curdled? Why? How? What?

In: 598

48 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same reason why you have to drink an Irish Carbomb fairly quick or else the baileys curdles in the whiskey shot.

If you feel like pranking some people at the bar, go look up the shot called a cement mixer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Same reason why you have to drink an Irish Carbomb fairly quick or else the baileys curdles in the whiskey shot.

If you feel like pranking some people at the bar, go look up the shot called a cement mixer.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try it with advocaat instead of baileys. You need to stir it in, but it’s actually really nice.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try it with advocaat instead of baileys. You need to stir it in, but it’s actually really nice.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try it with advocaat instead of baileys. You need to stir it in, but it’s actually really nice.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try adding Tia Maria (or another coffee liqueur) instead of Bailey’s, the bittersweet chocolatey flavour complements the flavour of the Guinness and it doesn’t curdle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try adding Tia Maria (or another coffee liqueur) instead of Bailey’s, the bittersweet chocolatey flavour complements the flavour of the Guinness and it doesn’t curdle.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Try adding Tia Maria (or another coffee liqueur) instead of Bailey’s, the bittersweet chocolatey flavour complements the flavour of the Guinness and it doesn’t curdle.